Republic Of Dalmatia


The Ministry of Defense (MoD) is the arm of the ROD government that is responsible for national defense and the armed forces of the ROD. The ROD Constitution is explicit in its requirement for civilian oversight of the nation’s military forces, and it is for this reason that the MoD exists. The current Minister of Defense, the Honorable Magnus McHammerhands, is a highly decorated combat veteran, but currently retired and serving at the pleasure of the President of the ROD.

The MoD contains a myriad of departments and directorates like any good bureaucracy, but no one cares about those. The cool parts of the MoD are the Joint Forces Headquarters and the five military branches; Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Intelligence Service.

New MoD crest (as of 2021).

The colors on the crest represent land, air, sea, and electronic dominance.